Perhaps the greatest success of the Freedom of Information Act
was in 2010 when journalists used it to uncover the MPs’ expenses scandal.
Literally hundreds of these less-than honourable members were discovered to be
maxing out their expenses and allowances to top up their already generous
salaries and pensions. Thankfully once exposed their reputations were
deservedly trashed. Many of these grasping carpet baggers were removed from the
Lords or Commons and some, but we might argue not enough, were imprisoned for
taking a ride too far on the Westminster gravy-train.
But it’s not just the actions of the high and mighty at Westminster which
can be scrutinised through Freedom of Information rules. Here in Thanet
it’s been a very useful tool to find out what our local politicians and
decision makers have been doing behind our backs. Had it not been for Freedom
of Information I would have been unable to uncover the TransEuropa Ferries
scandal. We would never have known how senior Councillors secretly agreed to
defer TransEuropa’s port fees for more than 2 years. We would never have known
about the appalling mismanagement of this highly risky deal which eventually
resulted in TransEuropa going bust in 2013 owing the Council £3.4 million in
unpaid fees. Nor would I have been able to expose the £2.3 million compensation
paid out by the Council to the live animal exporters for unlawfully suspending
the trade in 2013, or to reveal the gross mismanagement by senior local
politicians of the Ramsgate Pleasurama project. All this could have
remained unknown to voters in Thanet without the Freedom of Information Act,
although it was done in their name. I believe it is quite possible that Freedom
of Information rules will have a role to play in exposing yet more high level
incompetence relating to the Dreamland Project and potential criminal
negligence linked to the emerging health and safety white finger scandal.
But despite, or perhaps because of, its democratic importance, the
Freedom of Information Act is now under serious threat. The current Government
has set up a Commission to review the Act which, rather than seeking to
strengthen its effectiveness, appears to be determined to weaken it. Amongst
other things the Commission is canvassing opinion on whether to charge fees for
making FOI requests and appeals, whether to exempt the internal
briefings and discussions of public bodies from the Act altogether, and
whether to allow public bodies to impose much lower cost thresholds for
rejecting FOI requests. Commentators also claim that the Commission’s
membership includes several individuals known to be strongly opposed in
principle to the Act. Open government campaign groups have warned that the
Commission is very likely to produce a report which will emasculate our legal
rights to know what our national, regional and local politicians and civil
servants are doing in our name.
Accountability and transparency are the cornerstones of democracy.
Without strong laws such as the Freedom of Information Act our politicians and
their advisers will be free to lie, cheat, mislead and deceive us with
impunity, with the accompanying danger that corruption, incompetence, secrecy
and cover-up will thrive. This is very worrying for Thanet where our Council
has gained a reputation for incompetence, secrecy, and dodgy dealing. This is why
it’s essential to have powers like the Freedom of Information Act so that
citizens are able to scrutinise TDCs ’s actions and ensure that decisions taken
by elected representatives and public servants are transparent and open.