I’m extremely
worried about Brett Aggregates plans to massively expand their operation at
Ramsgate Port. I have some serious environmental concerns about their proposals,
not least of which is the impact that a large aggregate washing facility might have
upon the protected marine conservation area adjacent to the port. I’m also concerned
that the growing industrialisation of what is essentially a failed port, will adversely
affect Ramsgate’s growing visitor
economy and work against any discussion of
alternative, leisure based uses for the port such as modern 21st century
marina. The continuing use of the port for low investment, low job creation businesses such as aggregates, car-importation
and live animal exports threatens to blight Ramsgate’s seafront and is not the
best answer for the regeneration of the town.
I'll be writing
about these issues in more detail over the next couple of weeks and am now doing
some background research into Brett’s and their plans. But within 10 minutes of me kicking off my research
and Googling information about the company
blow me down if I didn’t spot something very interesting. According to a press release on Brett’s
website the company has appointed a new Director of Lands and Planning. I
assume that this Director will be responsible for acquiring, disposing of and managing
all the sites and properties operated by Brett’s and ensuring that they all have
the required planning permissions and licenses. I also assume that this Director will by the nature of the job title, be leading the negotiations and discussions with TDC and Kent County Council about the expansion of his employers operations at Ramsgate Port. But what caught my attention most was
not the duties of the job, but the person who had been appointed to do it – Mr John
John Bunnett
was until 2009 Deputy Chief Executive of Thanet District Council. If my
recollections are correct Mr Bunnett was
responsible for managing TDCs regeneration and planning operations . I also believe
that he may have managed TDC’s current Chief Executive. Mr Bunnett left TDC in
2009 to become the Chief Executive of Ashford Borough Council where he remained
until moving to Bretts this year.
I’m not
suggesting any impropriety by Mr Bunnett or anyone else, but I have always felt
uncomfortable about the so called “revolving
door” whereby senior public servants move
into the private sector and then use their public sector knowledge, expertise
and contacts to benefit their new employer. Indeed there was an identical situation
18 months ago when TDCs former Director of Planning and his deputy - Brian White
and Doug Brown - were employed by O’Regans to unsuccessfully push through a planning
application for a concrete block manufacturing operation at the port. I wrote about this in early 2015 and the posts are still on this blogsite if you are interested.

“revolving door” employment is perfectly legal it
doesn’t feel right to me. I believe that there is something fundamentally unethical and undemocratic about private companies
head hunting senior public servants to capitalise upon their knowledge, experience,
contacts and influence in order to secure a unfair business advantage over
their competitors. And its not just me who has these concerns. The House of
Commons Public Administration Select Committee and the Committee for Standards
in Public Life have both said that the “revolving door” carries with it major risks of unfair influence
and advantage which work against competitiveness and value for taxpayers money
and can often lead to unfair and improper decision making. The highly regarded
anti-corruption charity Transparency International recently published a report which argued that
the revolving door can sometimes give rise to corruption, preferential
treatment and unfair advantage.
So as a
starting point in considering Brett Aggregates plans for its Ramsgate Port
operation, I think it would fair to ask
Thanet Council and Kent County Council to provide the following information
number of meetings (formal or informal) which have been held in 2016 between TDC/KCC (officers and
councillors) and Brett’s to discuss their plans for the expanding their operation at Ramsgate Port including the introduction
of aggregate washing and the dates of these meetings.
number of telephone calls (formal or
informal) which have taken place in 2016
between TDC/KCC (officers and
councillors) and Brett’s to discuss their plans for the expanding their operation at Ramsgate Port including the introduction
of aggregate washing and the dates of these meetings
number of e-mails (formal or informal) which
have been exchanges in 2016 between TDC/KCC (officers and
councillors) and Brett’s to discuss their plans for the expanding their operation at Ramsgate Port including the introduction
of aggregate washing and the dates of these meetings
any of these meetings, telephone calls and e-mail exchanges involved Mr John
Bunnett of Brett's and if so please specify which.