
Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Poole The Fool. Alan Poole - Deputy Leader Of Thanet District Council

It's rare event when  a politician treats his/ her voters with utter contempt but last night Allan Poole, deputy Leader of Thanet District Council did just that!  Members of the 200 strong audience took great exception to him grinning and laughing at speakers who were asking awkward questions about the Ramsgate Pleasurama project. Several people accused him of showing a lack of respect towards  people. Here is a sound clip of  one exchange between Councillor Poole and a member of the audience. It seems to me that Councillor Poole is actively seeking retirement from local politics as his performance last night probably cost him a lot of votes.  I felt sorry for Councillors Peter Campbell and David Green who had to step in time after time to cover for their accident-prone Deputy Leader's awful performance. Thanks for recording this clip Duncan. I am sure Christine and Norman of Thanet Watch may well have captured examples of Councillor Poole's welcoming and inclusive approach on video. I look forward to seeing it.


  1. It is not a rare event that cllrs treat people badly. Phone calls to intimidate people from giving evidence immediately leap to mind.

    An FOI revealing a couple of things you probably didn't know

  2. It's Cllr Campbell saying "you weren't in the town" to jeers isn't it?
