
Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Kent Police Impose Conditions on Ramsgate Live Export Protest

Kent Police have today issued warning letters to all "known" anti-live animal export campaigners in Thanet and other parts of Kent .

The letter from  Chief Constable Alan Pughsley suggests that
the campaigners are likely to cause "serious public disorder, serious damage to property or serious disruption to the life of the community". It also says that the Chief Constable is "believes the organizers will intimidate or compel other to unlawful acts" . Pughsley  then advises campaigners that he will be using section 14 of the Public Order Act to impose  restrictions on the regular demonstrations at the port of Ramsgate and that they will only be allowed to demonstrate at the "car park exit on the Ramsgate  port side of Military Road"

Green Party Councillor and Parliamentary Candidate for Thanet South, Ian Driver, who is supporter of of the anti-live animal exports campaign said "I have been attending demonstrations against live exports at Ramsgate Port for over  3 years. In that time i have  witnessed no serious disorder, no damage to property or intimidation. The only thing i have seen is horrendous cruelty to innocent animals and dangerous driving by the exporters".
"This is clearly a move to  restrict the right of lawful protest in order to reduce policing costs. Its a massive over-reaction. In 3 years there have been only a handful of arrests and most of those arrested and taken to court have been found no guilty. We will certainly be taking advice and thinking about launching challenge against Pughsley's misguided and disproportionate decision"


  1. Quite right Ian and presumably you will be writing to him as a councillor asking for copies of the information he says he has to lead to this decision?

    And that until he does so his letter and deisgnated areas etc will be ignored.

    We seem to have the police allowing protest by corralling it away from the exports - and reusing to search the lorries for animal cruelty of which there has been plenty of evidence.

    The demonstrations are looking like soft targets for the police to boost their arrests.

  2. A protest can be banned or restricted...if more than 2 people? Who agreed that?

  3. Dear Mr Pughsley

    I am a councillor of Thanet District Council. Take note that I am now removing your and all police implied right of access to Ramsgate Harbour. I understand that 30 years ago Kent Police off duty were banned from Neros club Ramsgate seafront and now I recognise the eminent sense in the bouncers' decision. So naffing you off with my since message of love and light Ian Just a first draft
