Thanet Green Party, which is running 13 candidates in the
forthcoming council elections, has called for radical changes in the management
of TDC. The Greens claim that the current system of decision making is
undemocratic, unaccountable and secretive. Green Councillor, Ian Driver, said “what’s
needed is a major shake-up to end years
of bad practice, incompetence and maladministration. A more democratic and open
system of doing business will help to restore trust in TDC and rehabilitate its
disreputable and tarnished image”.
PRESENT SYSTEM Thanet Council operates what is called a Leader and Cabinet
system of decision making. Councillors elect a Leader, who then appoints 4 or 5 Cabinet members, from the same political
party, to help the Leader run the Council. This small team of Councillors make
95% of TDCs l decisions about spending, asset disposal, policy making etc.
Often a single Cabinet member makes decisions on his/her own.
WRONG WITH THIS SYSTEM? Having decisions made by a small group of people, or even by
one person, is supposed to mean that the Council can act quickly and
decisively. But in practice it produces the opposite effect. Decisions made
without sufficient thought, by people from the same political party, without
proper consultation and without proper debate, arouse resentment from local
people. Instead of swift action we then get a long drawn-out battles which
could have been avoided. We've seen how this works in practice in Thanet with –
The Pleasurama Project in Ramsgate
• The TransEuropa Ferries secret £3.4 million debt scandal
• The demolition of the Little Oasis Skatepark in Margate
• The East Kent Opportunities Planning Application
• The Dreamland amusement park project
• The Compulsory Purchase of Manston Airport
· The refusal to allow
filming of council meetings, despite Government advice to do so and many, many
Many political experts have warned about the dangers of
concentrating too much power into the hands of a small group of people from the
same party. Some of the pitfalls include the Leader using the power of
patronage to surround him/herself with yes men and women. Officers being
fearful of disagreeing with powerful politicians because they might lose their
jobs. Lack of challenge means that a culture of fear can quickly be established
leading to bad decision making, poor behaviour and even corruption. We have
seen how this works in practice in Thanet with –
• The jailing of ex-Council Leader Sandy Ezekiel for misconduct
in public office
• Reports of the Local Government Association Peer Review and the Independent
Standards Committee Members about the dysfunctional, poisonous and toxic
culture at Thanet Council
• Ex- TDC Cabinet members nobbling
investigations into serious misconduct by
• The development of a culture of secrecy where decisions are made behind
closed doors
THE ALTERNATIVE? The Localism Act 2011, gives Councils the option to change
their decision making system from a Leader/ Cabinet system to a Committee
system. Under this system, the Council forms several committees each dealing
with a particular area of council work such as housing, refuse collection,
environment health, street sweeping etc. All councillors serve on one or more
of these committees, and the committees make recommendations about spending and
polices to the full Council for its approval.
BE BETTER? No system is perfect but the committee system has a number of
advantages over the current Leader/Cabinet system such as -
• Decisions would be more thoroughly debated. More councillors
from all the political parties would be involved in these debates leading to a
more balanced decision.
• Decisions would be informed by a greater range of knowledge and experience
• Councillors would all build up their expertise and knowledge by serving on
• Members of the public with specialist knowledge and experience can be invited
to serve on Council committees to advise councillors.
• There would be less secrecy and greater transparency - key information and
the real reasons for decisions could no longer hidden by a small group of
powerful politicians or a single person.
Councillors are elected to Thanet Council on May 7th we will put forward a
motion to the first available Council meeting to abolish the Leader/ Cabinet
and replace it with Committee system. If we are unable to win support for this
motion we will work with others to set up a non-party political campaign to
force a local referendum so that local people can vote to change from the
Cabinet system to the Committee system. To trigger the referendum we would need
a petition signed by 5% of the electorate - at present that's 4,997.
OTHER COUNCIL’S CHANGING THEIR SYSTEMS? About 50 Council’s in England have already changed from
a Cabinet to a Committee system including Nottinghamshire County Council, Norfolk
County Council, Brighton and Hove City Council, Newark and Sherwood District
Council, Kingston and Sutton Council, Fylde District Council and Maidstone Borough
Council. A campaign to change Canterbury
City Council from a Cabinet to a Committee system is already underway which is
getting close to the required number of signatures to force a referendum.