Our education system should be system which nurtures,
supports and develops children, allowing them to achieve their full potential
and contribute to society. Instead £billions
of taxpayers cash is wasted every
year paying for a fragmented and dysfunctional system which writes many children
off at 11, promotes religious inspired intolerance,
and discriminates massively against students from low income families, female students, disabled students, LGBT students, and students from black and ethnic minority
backgrounds. Unless you are lucky enough
to be an offspring of the sharp elbowed middle classes, the chances are that
the English education system will seriously fuck-up your life chances,
especially if you receive free school meals.
There’s virtual unanimity that having a good education is
the key to social mobility and having better life. So why have successive
Labour, Tory and Coalition governments sat on their arses and done fuck-all to
properly sort out a system that wilfully excludes, discriminates against and
fucks-over a huge number of our children. And despite what they tell you, it’s
not the teachers or parents who are to blame for this appalling educational achievement
gap, it the unfair way in which our schools are structured and resources allocated
to them.
And although I’m angry about this criminal waste of talent,
I’m not that surprised by lack action to tackle this injustice. Because the politicians and senior managers
who oversee our education system are the beneficiaries of this glorified crock
of shit. These privileged middle-class managers and politicians with their
inflated salaries, massive pensions, car allowances and expenses accounts all
did well out of this criminally unfair system.
The last thing they want is to have their privileged positions challenged by
the sons of daughters of great unwashed. And whatever bullshit they may spout about
extending educational opportunity don’t believe a word, because statistics demonstrate
that a good education is restricted to the sons and daughters of the privileged
who, like their mums and dads before them, get all the best jobs and take all
the positions of power and influence in society. A better, fairer society with
increased social mobility can only be achieved by destroying the discriminatory,
bigoted and privileged based school system in this country.
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