In what must rank, even by Thanet
Labour’s appalling standards, as one of the most hypocritical letters ever written
by local politicians, the Labour Group has the bare faced cheek to claim that it
is promoting good governance and accountability. What a joke! 2 of the signatories of the letter, Iris
Johnston and Michelle Fenner were responsible in November 2013 for verbally abusing and bullying, at a public
meeting, the four independent, non-elected, members of Thanet Council’s
Standards Committee
Because the Independent Standards Committee members had produced a
report which criticised the governance of Thanet Council and the accountability
of councillors – describing the organisation and its elected politicians as
being out of touch, secretive, rude and abusive. Johnston and Fenner’s behaviour at the meeting
and that of former councillors Clive Hart and Allan Poole, caused the 4
Independent Standards members to immediately resign. Labour’s nodding donkeys
on the Standards Committee then voted to reject a report which was all about the
promotion of good governance and accountability at Thanet Council. I secretly recorded
this appalling incident and blogged about it at the time. Here’s the link http://thanetgreencouncillor.blogspot.co.uk/search?updated-max=2013-11-26T18:25:00Z&max-results=10&start=97&by-date=false
But I digress. Let’s return to Labour’s
proposal for an Overview and Scrutiny investigation
into Dreamland. Were it not such an important issue I’d be pissing myself
laughing about their idea. First, the
Dreamland project is a massive, ongoing, undertaking and Thanet Council simply doesn’t have the money, staffing levels and experience to conduct a
thorough and proper investigation into a matter of this size and complexity.
Labour knows this. Councillors from all the other parties know this and so do
the council officers. This proposal is nothing other than cynical political posturing
- giving the appearance of trying to do something
whilst knowing all along that your
suggestion is unworkable bollocks.

This is exactly what happened when
politicians used the Overview and Scrutiny Panel to investigate themselves over
the TransEuropa Ferries secret £3.4 million debt scandal in 2014. Despite the
fact that the council’s constitutional rules
had been deliberately broken and ignored
by senior councillors and officers; despite democratically elected back-bench councillors
and the public been lied to and deceived for almost 3 years about the secret and
rapidly growing debt, Tory and Labour politicians nobbled the so-called
investigation to ensure that everyone got off Scott-free for serious abuse of
process and bare faced lying. Labour,
like the rest of the political establishment, knows this is how internal, self-investigations work and that’s
precisely why these shameless scoundrels are asking for one – because they know
damn well that an Overview and Scrutiny investigation will get them off the
hook for their appalling mismanagement of the Dreamland Project.
I have always called
for an independent public investigation of the Dreamland debacle perhaps by the
National Audit Office who have considerable expertise and experience in this
area. Although we may disagree on many other things, the two Thanet MPs Sir
Roger Gale and Craig MacKinlay both support my call for an
independent and public Dreamland investigation. If Thanet Council
Labour Group, , genuinely support honest and accountable government, then
they too should be calling for an independent public investigation
into Dreamland, instead of a squalid conflicted self-investigation which,
many people feel will be nothing than a
cover.The people of Thanet have paid, through their council taxes, over £10million toward Dreamland. The same amount of public money has been invested via central Government Grants and the Heritage Lottery funding and much more public money will undoubtedly be invested into this project in forthcoming years. Its therefore essential that the catalogue of disastrous mistakes and mismanagement which have been a feature of what is supposed to be a flagship regeneration projected are investigated and lessons learned. The only way to do this is through an independent inquiry
thanet Labour are a disgrace
ReplyDeleteIf what has been reported in the press recently the payment that TDC have to make under the CPO has still not been settled with the council leader cllr Wells no longer holding takes with owners and the law will now resolve. With plans for up to 400 dwellings on the site TDC could have to cough up another £10 millions to complete the CPO. But at least then TDC will have a plot of land worth having although I am not sure where they will get the £10 millions from and havn't they given Sands a 99 year lease which in turn they have hocked to an overseas speculator?
ReplyDeleteWell said Ian
ReplyDeleteWhat happened with the GIAA report on the £500k Port fraud? The Police don't seem to bother investigating either... In fact the only person prosecuted for corruption at TDC is you...for exposing the secret Plkeasurama deals
ReplyDeleteTDC are useless - Tim Howes and Colin White are the legal bods in charge of this mess?
ReplyDeleteWells is a disgrace keeping quiet on Dreamland and Brett. He;s had 18 months as Leader at TDC and done nothing