Green Party Councillor and Thanet South General Election Candidate
Ian Driver has denounced TDCs Labour Cabinet as “Parkway Prats”. His comment follows
their recent decision to support Kent County Council’s plans for a £14million
Parkway Station at rural Cliffsend after having strongly opposed the idea during the
last Council elections in 2011.
Said Driver “I am flabbergasted by the jaw-dropping scale
of Thanet Labour’s hypocrisy. In 2011 they sought election on a manifesto commitment
to “support moves to reduce the
travel time to London but not at the expense and environmental damage of a new Parkway

on the Thanet Labour Blog site on 3 May 2011, just 2 days before the council
election Councillor Clive Hart, said “we’ve outlined our continued support
for shortening travel times to London. However, Thanet Labour is always mindful
of our local environment as a Parkway station with a huge car park, just doesn’t
make economic sense”
on becoming Leader of the Council just one year later Hart, who also assumed responsibility
for economic development, quickly changed his mind about the Parkway Station.
He engaged in secretive discussions with Kent County Council, Dover and
Canterbury Councils and the Kent and Medway Local Economic Partnership which resulted in the publication, in early 2013, of Unlocking the Potential: Going for Growth – Kent and Medway’s Growth Plan,
which supported the development of a Ramsgate Parkway Station. I wonder why
Hart, like Nicholson also changed his mind? Hart was later replaced as Leader
by Iris Johnston who enthusiastically supports, the Parkway Station plan.
I wonder why she has changed her mind?
I am
amazed that Thanet Labour has never had the honesty and
decency to tell the voters that they have changed their mind about a key
manifesto pledge? It’s astonishing that a modern political party which claims to
listen to the people, should make false promises to the voters of Thanet and when
safely elected and in charge deceitfully go back on their word. But there again, as I explained in a previous
post, this is not the first time Thanet Labour have lied to and duped the
voters. They did exactly the same thing when they
recently allowed the building of houses on the EKO site at New Haine Road,
after having said in their 2011 manifesto they would oppose developments on green field sites. Labour-led
Thanet Council has now demonstrated on at least 2 occasions that when it comes
to promises to the voters they are liars and hypocrites. Saying one thing and
doing totally the opposite. This is especially worrying because the promises
they have broken were all about protecting Thanet’s environment which, has the
draft local plan shows, is under serious threat of overdevelopment. A party as dishonest
and deceitful as this is surely not fit
for public office! Ranting
aside, I share many of the reservations about the environmental impact of
Thanet Parkway station which were raised by the Labour Party in 2011. I am also extremely worried that the development of a Ramsgate Parkway station will be a magnet for developers to embark upon massive housebuilding programmes around rural Cliffsend which, until we have a local plan in place in 2017, will be legally irresistible.Finally in 2011 Richard Nicholson warned that the development of the Parkway station might threaten the continued existence Ramsgate station. It’s interesting to note that Labour Parliamentary hopeful Will Scobie also thinks that Ramsgate station’s future is questionable. Just over a year ago the Thanet Gazette reported that
Thanet Parkway station which were raised by the Labour Party in 2011. I am also extremely worried that the development of a Ramsgate Parkway station will be a magnet for developers to embark upon massive housebuilding programmes around rural Cliffsend which, until we have a local plan in place in 2017, will be legally irresistible.Finally in 2011 Richard Nicholson warned that the development of the Parkway station might threaten the continued existence Ramsgate station. It’s interesting to note that Labour Parliamentary hopeful Will Scobie also thinks that Ramsgate station’s future is questionable. Just over a year ago the Thanet Gazette reported that
“COUNTY Councillor
Will Scobie has questioned the need to refurbish Ramsgate rail station when
there is the possibility of a new station being built on the isle Cllr Scobie,
who is also the Labour prospective parliamentary candidate for South Thanet,
said: "I am fully supportive of these plans as long as Ramsgate station
continues to be used. The lack of consultation about the proposed new Thanet
Parkway station concerns me. If that goes ahead do we need to spend £400,000
improving a station that will decline in use?”
Surely if Ramsgate
station, which saw the arrival and departure of more than one million
passengers” last year, is to be
protected then the Parkway station must be opposed. No ifs, buts or maybes.
Sadly the Parkway
Prats who make up the Council’s Cabinet and aspire to represent the town in
Parliament don’t’ see it this way!
I will be posting
soon of the environmental implications of the Parkway Station
Here's something to do with Parks and Prats