The first of these dramas will be about numbers. If my
maths are right UKIP, following recent defections to the Democratic Independent
Group (DIG) and the Conservatives, now has 27 councillors. The Conservatives
with the addition of ex-UKIP councillor, Emma Dawson, have 19, DIG 5, Labour 4
and Independents 1. This means there are 29 non-UKIP councillors on Thanet
Council. Enough to overturn last night’s Cabinet vote not to pursue the CPO.
Leader of the Thanet Council Conservative Group, Bob Bayford,
has already called for a coalition of councillors to be established to save
Manston Airport and continue to pursue the CPO. Key to this coalition will be TDCs
4 Labour councillors. Without them the pro-Manston opposition will only be able
to muster 23 votes which would be insufficient to bring down the UKIP Cabinet
and overturn last night’s decision. Of
course there is the possibility that more UKIP councillors might defect to the
DIG or the Conservatives, or that other UKIP councillors follow Vince Munday’s
lead and resign from TDC forcing by-elections which UKIP might then lose. But
in the short term the ball is firmly in the court of Labour’s gang of four.
My information from several trusted sources deep inside the
Thanet Labour Party is that their councillors are highly likely to back Tory Leader
Bayford and his pro-Manston coalition. This is hardly surprising because TDC
councillor and former council leader, Iris Johnston, is herself a
supporter of Manston Airport. And I don’t think it would be difficult for her
to persuade her colleague councillors Jenny Matterface, Michelle Fenner and
Peter Campbell to back her in supporting Bayford, especially because Labour probably
believes that it could cynically manipulate a coalition with the Conservatives
to try to rebuild electoral support following their absolute trouncing by UKIP
in the May elections.
However, one of the key issues underlying the Manston
Airport controversy has always been environmental, especially the noise and atmospheric
pollution which would result from the operation of a busy 24-7 freight-hub as
proposed by RiverOak. Surely Labour would not be willing to support a coalition
whose only aim is to facilitate the re-opening of an environmentally damaging
airport in the middle of what is hoped to become a revived and rejuvenated tourist
destination? Indeed it was Labour who gained massive electoral support in the
2011 council elections, especially in Ramsgate, because they rightly and
properly opposed night flights to and from the airport on the grounds of noise pollution.
It seems utterly inconceivable that the remaining four Labour councillors could
jettison their environmental credentials in favour of joining a pro-airport
coalition with the Tory’s and disgruntled ex-UKIPers.
But since when have Thanet Labour Party and its elected councillors
ever cared about principles and honesty, especially when it comes to environmental
matters. In February of this year I posted an article on this blogsite which documented
how the then ruling Labour Group on
Thanet Council had torn up its 2011 election manifesto promises about protecting
Thanet’s environment, by dumping its commitment
to prevent building on green field sites and reversing its opposition to the
environmentally damaging Parkway Station
Johnston, Fenner, Matterface and Campbell were all senior
Labour councillors at this time and were instrumental, through their actions,
in reneging on these important Manifesto promises so why should they be in
the least bit bothered about jumping
into bed with supporters of a polluting airport if this might ultimately bring them electoral success.
Finally it’s interesting to speculate how, if my
information is true, a pro-airport coalition of Labour, Conservative and
ex-UKIP councillors would be viewed by
new party boss Jeremy Corbyn who’s powerful anti-austerity and pro-environmental policies place
him in implacable opposition to Tory’s and former Kippers. And then of course
what about the tens of thousands of new Labour supporters who have joined the
party because they desperately want to begin work campaigning against and defeating
the Conservatives and UKIP. How will these young energetic idealists react when
they discover that Thanet’s old school Labour power brokers are doing deals
with the enemy simply to protect their political arses and keep drawing their allowances?
As a left of centre idealist myself, I know I would be infuriated and would work
tirelessly to deselect any such traitor from their councillor position.
So the next episode in this unfolding drama may well be Thanet Labour, though an alliance
with it class enemies, coming to the
rescue of an economically unsustainable and massively polluting airport, purely out of self-interest,
greed and hunger for the power it routinely abused when last in control of the
council. I sincerely hope I am wrong.