KCC is out of touch with and too distant from Thanet!
Maidstone is hardly a suitable place for decisions to be made about Ramsgate, Margate or Broadstairs . Much better would be a new East Kent Coastal Authority which takes in Canterbury, Dover, Shepway and Thanet. These districts have many issues in common, not least of which is the desperate need for inward investment and regeneration. These Districts share incredibly valuable resources such as our beautiful coastline which can generate wealth and jobs for local people. These Districts are already co-operating extremely closely with joint council tax collection, joint housing services, single IT and Human Resources functions so why not go the whole hog break up the KCC monolith and set up a more natural local government structure in the form of an East Kent Authority? Replacing KCC with a more local system of government will also save the hard-pressed tax payers of East Kent £millions as more efficiencies are identified and duplication rooted out.
If elected to Kent County Council I will immediately begin a major public campaign to replace the bloated behemoth KCC with a slimmer, fitter more local East Kent Coastal Authority which truly understands the issues we face. I am sure that such a campaign will attract massive public support.
I am fighting this election on my own against the Big Party machines. I need all the help I can get. So If you want to help me by delivering leaflets, displaying a poster, or perhaps a small donation towards my election expenses please contact me at ianddriver@yahoo.co.uk
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