EKOs planning application was rejected by TDC on 16 October 2013. On 4th November Clive Hart the political leader of Thanet Council and Sue McGonigal the Chief Executive of Thanet Council were involved in an EKO Board telephone conference which agreed to seek advice from a QC about how to invalidate a democratic planning decision of the Council which they both run and who's policies and decisions they are both supposed to uphold. Not much loyalty there eh! Surely this was a massive conflict of interests? Yet both Hart and McGonigal failed to declare and failed to act on this conflict.
On 14 November Hart and McGonigal attended an EKO board meeting in Maidstone. They reviewed the QCs advice and they both supported the decision to launch a planning appeal against TDC. An organisation they both run and who's policies they are both supposed to uphold. Again no declaration from either of them that they have a massive conflict of interest. The result of this situation is that the 2 most senior people at Thanet Council have through their actions caused TDC to be fighting itself at a Planning Public Enquiry which will cost approaching £100,000.
Who will pay the bill? You of course. And don't forget, after its original planning application was rejected in October 2013, EKO could have submitted a second application at NO EXTRA COST which could have addressed the all the reasons for rejection.
So why all this skulduggery (I will be revealing more shortly) to force the planning application through? I can only assume that its because there is a massive black hole in the Council's finances which has been kept hidden from councillors and the public. This hole desperately needs filling and what better way than granting planning permission for 550 houses on land you own and then selling the land off for a massive profit.
I will be writing more about the black hole later. Suffice to say some people might not be visiting dreamland for several nights as the truth emergences. Its time for a change.

Ian this is dynamite.
ReplyDeleteWell done.
So Clive and Macgonigal are voting to sue themselves with our money - and pay for EKO to sue them? Idiots. A complete misuse of public funds.
ReplyDeleteWell done Ian: who attended the meeting (the documents don't zoom up)? Where is EKO based and who is in it/costs? What are the censored parts of these documents?